oh nej, nu är det inte så fint väder längre.. jävla sverige, ska alltid ha så konstigt väder :S! .. aja det kommer väl bättre snart igen:) har inte skrivit om mina dagar på länge men det är bara för attt jag har vart ute oså.. :) ..
We see the same stars, the same sky and we breathe the same air ..
But to move on with a brokend heart.. i wasent prepared.
It kills me just hearing your name, never thought i would feel this type of pain.
Im wondering what actually happend between us two..
I realy liked you, i swear and i still do..
It's gonna take a while before I realize that you're gone,
I must get to grips with this and move on...
But something's pulling me back, something's stop me from hatin you..
Is it your amaizing charm, your woundeful personality or your beautiful eyes?
What realy turned you lovely heart into a cold box of ice..
Was it she, or was it me?
By; eebosah.w
We see the same stars, the same sky and we breathe the same air ..
But to move on with a brokend heart.. i wasent prepared.
It kills me just hearing your name, never thought i would feel this type of pain.
Im wondering what actually happend between us two..
I realy liked you, i swear and i still do..
It's gonna take a while before I realize that you're gone,
I must get to grips with this and move on...
But something's pulling me back, something's stop me from hatin you..
Is it your amaizing charm, your woundeful personality or your beautiful eyes?
What realy turned you lovely heart into a cold box of ice..
Was it she, or was it me?
By; eebosah.w